Pure Magic Mixed-Nut Butter
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Pure Magic Mixed-Nut Butter

A bit of magic happened with this nut butter. The nuts turned and turned in the food processor until they finally formed a smooth, creamy and yummy butter. I encourage you to eat it by the spoonful pre or post workout or to enjoy it on some pumpkin banana bread for a great energy-boosting snack!


This weekend my boyfriend and I got a brand new food processor for our apartment. I was soo excited all weekend to try it out on Monday and make my first homemade (successful) nut butterMaybe I am a bit strange but I was even hugging it a bit over breakfast this morning!  

close up nut butter
I think that these are my four new favourite nuts combined into a perfect nut butter! The cashews make it super creamy while the hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds taste delicious blended into a smooth and creamy nut butter together.

magic mixed nut butter

I added a touch of honey and salt at the end which really enhances the flavours – this step is of course optional if you prefer the taste of pure nuts!

  Here are some tips from my experience making nut butter to help you along the way! This process could not be any easier!

  • Roast your nuts for about 10-15 minutes at 315f or 160c (watching closely to make sure they do not burn). This will help some of the oils to release and make the “cooking process” in the food processor a bit easier! Plus, who doesn’t like the flavour of a good ol’ roasted nut!?
  • Do not add water to your nuts to make the nut butter making process “faster” (this will not work and will result in a big blob of mushy nuts….yes, I did try it once!)
  • Use a strong food processor (mine is 750 watts) and turn it off every couple of minutes to give it a little break (Blenders and Stick blenders won’t work in my experience!).
  • If your food processor is getting too hot, give it a little break, and come back to blend your nuts a bit later.
  • If you want to add anything to your nut butter (syrup, salt, chocolate…) add it at the end of the “cooking process” once your nut butter starts to magically appear!
  • Be super careful around the blade (I have to say it!) Whenever I gave my Food Processor a little break and scraped the nuts off the sides, I also made sure to turn it off and unplug it as well (just in case!!). Let’s just say I had a bad experience, when I was making hummus at the beginning of the year, involving my finger and hand stick blender…
  • Be patient! I promise, if you follow these steps your nut butter will magically appear before your eyes as well 😀
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Pure Magic Mixed Nut Butter

  • Author: Ceara
  • Total Time: 35


  • • 400 grams mixed nuts (about 4 cups)
  • • 1 tsp salt (optional)
  • • 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup (optional


  1. Roast nuts on a baking sheet for 10 – 15 minutes at 315f or 160c.
  2. Place roasted nuts in food processor.
  3. Blend Blend Blend! Every two minutes or so scrape down the sides to get all the nuts well incorporated.
  4. Add the honey and salt once nut butter starts to look creamy (optional)
  5. Voila! Once your nut butter is creamy and smooth it is ready to enjoy (about 15 – 20 minutes)!


  • Nutritional Benefits: No cholesterol, very high in manganese, healthy fats and protein!
  • Prep Time: 15


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