Healthy Spring Vegetarian White Chili
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Healthy Spring Vegetarian White Chili

This week has been a whirlwind as I try to complete the rest of my essays before the end of my semester in just a few short weeks. That same feeling of being a student always returns as the jumble for the end of the year arrives. It is that same feeling I would get as a little girl, trying to finish the rest of my work, as I anxiously await the feelings of the hot summer sun and the carefree freedom of summer … for a couple months 😉

This time of the year is such a busy time students around the world, making it harder to get out and get active and easier to fill up on exam time snacks which lack much of a nutritional profile. I remember in the first year of my undergraduate degree trying my best to stay awake during late night studying sessions with a can of red bull and a mini tub of ice cream by my side. Now I opt for much healthier choices that are comforting, hearty, healthy and nutritious to get me through the final “exam time hump”. How nutritious? One bowl of this Healthy Spring Vegetarian White Chili is full of iron, calcium, vitamin A, C and also provides you with 21 grams of protein and 14 grams of fiber! This Healthy Spring Vegetarian White Chili is providing me with the nutritious boost, energy, and the comfort kick I need to get through the final stretch of the school – healthy and happy 😀

ceara s kitchen

This Healthy Spring Vegetarian White Chiliis warming, hearty, full of lots of nutritious and vibrantvegetables and very fillingfrom the fibrousand protein-packed beans. This is not your average traditional tomato-based winter chili bur rather a lightspring chili which opts instead for a light vegetable and white bean broth base. This Vegan White Chili is also perfectly spiced from the cumin and oregano, spicy from the cayenne pepper (though you can use less if you prefer less of a “kick”), and also slightly sweet from the bright sweet corn.

And as for my activity during exam time, I am running my first 15 km this Sunday so I will take a little break from the books to go for a race with J’s family! I am feeling nervous but confidant for the big day. I still sometimes can’t get over how far I’ve come from the days when I found it difficult to run to catch the bus at the end of the street 😉
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Healthy Vegetarian Spring White Chili

  • Author: Ceara
  • Total Time: 55
  • Yield: 10


Note: For simple and easy preparation, cut up the vegetables before making the chili. This makes the entire process of making the chili much faster and easier. After sauteing the onions and garlic in 1/2 tbsp of oil, add in the spices and herbs to the with the other 1/2 tbsp of oil – this helps to enhance and “fire” up the aromas of the spices. When “frying” your vegetables in the soup pot, have a can of water nearby just in case the vegetables start to stick to the bottom of the pot. Adding a dash of sea salt, to the vegetables helps to bring out their liquid and will help to saute them while using minimal oil. Feel free to add your own favourite spring vegetables if you do not have the ones listed here on hand. Adjust the amount of water/vegetable broth based on how thick you prefer your chili. Mashing half the white beans gives some hearty substance to the broth and brings this white chili to life! This chili keeps well in the fridge for up to 4 days and also freezes well – tastes even better the next day!


  • • 3 small or 2 medium onions, diced
  • • 1 tbsp avocado or coconut oil and water as needed to saute vegetables(*see note, use any light tasting oil)
  • • 4-5 cloves of garlic, diced
  • • 1 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • • 1 1/2 tsp cumin
  • • 1/2 tbsp coriander
  • • 1 – 2 tsp cayenne pepper (depending on how spicy you like it! I used “extra hot” cayenne)
  • • 2 cups leeks, finely chopped
  • • 2 cups mushroom, finely chopped
  • • 1 sweet yellow pepper, finely chopped
  • • 1 sweet green pepper, finely chopped
  • • 1 heaping cup sweet corn
  • • 5 – 6 cups water or vegetable broth + extra for sauteing veggies (if not using vegetable broth, use a vegetable bouillon cube)
  • • 4 cups white beans, cooked and rinsed (mash 2 cups of the white beans for the soup broth)
  • • Sea Salt and Pepper to taste

Optional Ingredients

  • Avocado
  • Cilantro
  • Monterrey Jack Cheese (or “cheez” for vegans)
  • Hot Sauce
  • Sour Cream (non dairy versions for vegans)


  1. Warm up 1/2 tbsp of avocado oil in a large pot on medium high heat. Once the oil is heated add the diced onion and garlic and saute until the onions are slightly browned and translucent.
  2. Add the second 1/2 tbsp of oil and add the spices (oregano, cumin, coriander, cayenne). Heat the spices up for a minute in the oil in order to ignite the aromas of the spices. Stir the spices into the onions and garlic. Saute for one minute.
  3. Add chopped leeks and mushrooms. Saute for 5 minutes until they have begun to brown and caramelize in the pot. If needed, add a dash of water or sea salt if the veggies start to stick to the bottom of the pan.
  4. Add sweet peppers to the pot and saute for a couple of minutes until the peppers begin to cook and soften. If needed, add a dash of water or sea salt if the veggies if they start to stick to the bottom of the pan.
  5. Once all the veggies are sauteed to your liking, add the sweet corn and vegetable broth/water to the pot as well as the mashed and whole beans. Simmer for 10 minutes to deepen the flavours of the chili. The chili tastes even better after leaving the flavours to develop after a couple of hours (even better the next day)
  6. Serve with optional avocado, sour cream cilantro and cheese!
  7. Devour, Share and Enjoy 🙂


  • Low in fat, high in protein, high in fiber very high in iron, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin A as well as high in manganese, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6 – plus this chili contains absolutely no cholesterol!
  • Prep Time: 20

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