Walking it Out Through the Christmas Madness #MoveitMondays
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Walking it Out Through the Christmas Madness #MoveitMondays

Who has already started experiencing some real Christmas madness?

The shuffle and bustle of the holiday season has started, friends. Students are trying to finish up all their work before the holidays start (hello!), moms & dads are running around trying to get gifts for the entire family, and friends are trying to coordinate the countless get-togethers of the holiday season.


The holiday season is such a wonderful time of year. A month before I go home I start to get restless and super excited for everything that lies ahead – reconnecting with family and friends after months apart, enjoying all the Christmas yummies and simply soaking in the holiday madness with people I’ve missed so much!

But sometimes, especially in between all of the preparation, studying and trying to get everything done on time, I need a break. To relax, to breathe, to reflect and to walk it out. I know that the holiday season madness can sometimes get the best of me and even though my to-do list isn’t getting any shorter, (it seems that every time I cross something off my list another thing gets added on!) taking a moment to get some fresh air makes me feel so much more centered during the holiday season.

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Especially if I am in the middle of something big, (like a paper that just won’t write itself or just feeling totally drained by the end of the day) I have to push myself a bit to get out the door but once I’m outside my worries about getting everything done on time seem to fade away as I breathe, walk forward and reflect on what’s really important in the moment. And after a short or long walk, I’m immediately refreshed, more centered and my attention has come back to the task at hand with a new approach 😉 


So despite the million (a slight exaggeration) papers I have to write – for the meantime, to stay centered, I’ll find peace in walking it out during the Holiday Madness in order to keep things in perspective 🙂

Happy Christmas

How do you stay centered during the holiday season?


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