Crisp Fall Hikes & November Goals #MoveitMondays
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Crisp Fall Hikes & November Goals #MoveitMondays

It is 51 days until Christmas.

And 46 days until I go home to Canada for the holidays.

Autumn Trees

BAHH!! I can believe Halloween is over and that I already feel like rejoicing, setting up my Christmas tree, getting my Christmas baking on and getting out my Michael Bublé Christmas album. Too soon?


How was your Halloween by the way? I dressed up with a couple friends on Friday and we went out in the city where J’s from in Belgium. I pulled together a last minute “nerd” costume from my closet (it wasn’t too hard to find!) and we were off. We walked into our first bar and guess what?! There was not a costume or person dressed up in sight. So there we were a couple of witches, a nerd and a cat in a city where nobody dresses up. I felt for a moment like I was from a scene in Bridget Jones Diary (lol!) but I guess Halloween is just not a thing here yet 😉 

Castle Flander's

I was busy finishing up a project this weekend and decided to go for a nice, long walk on Saturday instead of my usual run. We came across this gorgeous 16th century castle and many beautiful, colorful trees getting ready to shed their leaves for the winter. The sound of the crisp Fall leaves under my feet as I walk is one of my favourite sounds ever.


And now I am back to studying for the week.

I have a bit of a confession to make. I am one of these people who are prone to being easily distracted. One minute I am writing an Anthropological essay and the next minute I am in the kitchen baking a batch of pumpkin bread. And then while I bake the pumpkin bread I start cleaning my apartment and while I’m cleaning my Skype goes off and all of the sudden three hours have gone by, I have a clean apartment, fresh cake out of the oven and talked to half my friends/family back home but my essay is still there. Half written and hanging over my head.

Procrastination much?

Which is exactly why I love making achievable goals to scratch off my lost. Goals are a way to keep me on track and on top of my school work, getting my activity on and making sure I have time to do the things I love in between like baking and cooking up wonderful eats and treats for the blog! 

I think some November goals are in order! 😀

November Goals

And just in case you need the motivation! 😉

You can do it! #MoveitMondays

What are your November goals?

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