Chocolate Fudge Sauce
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Chocolate Fudge Sauce

Step aside melted chocolate chips there’s a new chocolate sauce in town. This chocolate sauce is made out of 100% healthy ingredients and when warmed up is the perfect fudgey topping on ice cream, cakes, brownies or simply to be enjoyed by the spoonful (the best way to eat anything dippable really). This chocolate sauce is smooth, creamy, fudgey, very chocolatey, and reminds me of a high quality ganache. Did I mention that it does not contain any refined sugars, butter or cream? Meaning you can enjoy this chocolate and still stick on that healthy kick until Christmas hits 😉
 Chocolate fudge sauce
When warm this chocolate sauce is thick and fudgey just like a chocolate sauce should be. The best part about this sauce (maybe second best if you account for the fact that it is made with chocolate and healthy) is that you can control the amount of honey or syrup you add to the sauce by taste. I prefer a very dark chocolate taste and just add 2 tbsp of syrup – but you can of course increase that amount if you prefer sweeter chocolate.
I have made this sauce two ways with or without adding peanut butter depending on my mood (who am I kidding I am always in the mood for peanut butter and chocolate) and both yield amazing results. The sauce shown has one tbsp of peanut butter and let me tell you the taste and smell are both amazing. It kind of makes me feel like I am eating a melted dark chocolate Reese’s cup! Another great way to store the sauce in individual size portions by freezing it in an ice cube tray or in chocolate molds. I use mini chocolate heart molds which work just perfectly. I sometimes enjoy them frozen, straight out of the freezer and let them melt in my mouth. The chocolate taste is very intense and the way it melts in my mouth reminds me of eating a frozen truffleMid-afternoon chocolate craving solved!
On a personal note – can you believe that December is almost halfway done? I have been steering clear of the blog world lately because I am heading home in a week to see my family in Canada (yeah snow and lots of good eats and drinks!) and have a ton of studying to do before returning for a few weeks! They do exams here after Christmas (boo!) so I am trying to get as much studying, essay writing, and reading done so I can enjoy my time with the fam-jam during the holiday 🙂  I’ve been so excited to head back home (it’s been almost half a year!) that I sometimes can’t even manage to sleep lately! No worries though on the blog front, I am dreaming of all the healthy recipes I’ll cook up once I have a bit more time on my plate. Hope that your holiday season is very merry so far!  Sending lots of good wishes from my kitchen to yours! Cheers! 
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Vegan Chocolate Fudge Sauce

  • Author: Ceara
  • Yield: 3 1x


  • 1/3 cup soaked cashews
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt (or to taste)
  • 3 tbsp liquid sweetener such as maple syrup, agave, or honey (more or less depending on how sweet you like your chocolate)
  • 1 tsp coffee granules (optional – enhances the chocolate flavour)
  • 1 tsp vanilla (optional)
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter (optional)


  1. 1. Soak cashews for 3 hours (or more) in water.
  2. 2. Add all the ingredients to a food processor and blend, blend, blend away. Add more water or sweetener depending on how thin or sweet you like your sauce.
  3. 3. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days in a sealed container or in the freezer in ice cube trays / chocolate molds.
  4. 4. Enjoy by the spoonful or slather on your favourite dessert.


  • Nutritional Benefits: High in manganese and healthy fats plus unlike most chocolate sauces this one has no cholesterol 😉
My Question to you!
During the Winter, I love to stay active but it seems to get harder as the weather gets colder! I still love to run outside but have moved a lot of my other activities indoors.

How do you stay active during the Winter?

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