The Real “After” + Finding that Summer Motivation
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The Real “After” + Finding that Summer Motivation

On this blog I’ve always been totally honest with you guys. With my weight loss, with my struggles with yo-yo dieting and my ever continuing after towards this journey to health so many of us are on and striving towards. And because I’ve always been honest I wanted to share some of what I’ve been going through lately in terms of staying motivated.

summer motivation

I’ve been struggling, friends. I have so much coursework to finish up and trying to hammer out the rest of my thesis that I have gotten a bit side tracked with my running, fitness and health goals. I had to slow down with my running before Christmas due to some health issues and have found it so hard to get back into the groove. I’ve gained a bit of weight due to my love of baking, sitting around studying all day and finding excuses when it’s time for my daily run.

I’m human and I get side-tracked too.

summer motivation

I’m writing this because I want you to know that the “After” of weight loss does not just end the day that you take your before and after photos. It’s sooooooo much more than that. It’s not always easy. You will get side-tracked. You will sometimes lose sight of some of your goals. But there is always time to push yourself back in the right direction with love and channel that inner motivation we all have inside of us.

summer motivation

I’m sharing this with you because, even though it’s not easy to put online, on social media everybody is a work-out star, healthy eater all the time and pretty much damn-well perfect. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to these images or to somebody’s before and after photos – but the after photo is just the beginning and living a healthy lifestyle that lasts does have its ups and downs. 

summer motivation

And sometimes when we get sidetracked we need to find the motivation to pull ourselves back up again and that is exactly what I am doing. I’ve already gotten back to my morning yoga and daily runs and to be honest, even though it’s hard to sometimes get that foot back in the door, it feels amazing to be back into my routine because I’m happier when I’m active, eating well and finding the time for myself to rest.

So here I am, a couple years after my weight loss journey started and coming back to that inner diva that ran 15k last year, lost almost 70 pounds, started a food blog (my very first post!) and a Master’s in order to chase her dreams!

summer motivation

Here’s to taking the time to breathe, finding that summer motivation and kicking ass in the final semester of school.

Here’s to reaching our goals, staying healthy and finding time for that glass of red wine and laughter with loved ones.

Here’s to taking care of ourselves, finding the time to run, green smoothie it up and being at peace with ourselves.

Lots of love and have a beautiful end of week everyone! 🙂


Ceara <3

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