10 Random Facts about me The Liebster Award

10 Random Facts about me The Liebster Award

We’re switching things up a little bit today in Ceara’s Kitchen! Instead of my regular #WIAW posts here are some random facts about me – the girl behind #cearaskitchen 🙂 I was elected for the Liebster Award from my friend Laura over at Raise Your Garden. I’m honestly blown away by her gardening skills & knowledge. Thanks for the nomination Laura!

10 random factsr

10 + 2 Random Facts about little old moi:

  1. I went to high school for Drama and once dreamt of being a famous actress.
  2. My favorite move of all time is Moulin Rouge. I’ve seen it so many times I can literally mouth the words and sing along to the entire film.
  3. My favorite musical is Les Miserables. I started watching the 25th anniversary live-taped musical with my grandma when I was 7 years old and we’d sing along together. We saw it together live twice last Christmas when I was home in Toronto and we held hands and silently sang along to the entire show. #adorable

    10 random facts
  4. I’m a bit of a musical theater nerd if you hadn’t already guessed 😉
  5. Since I was a little girl I’ve always dreamt of having my own cooking show (who doesn’t lol)
  6. I do all my cooking in my super tiny kitchen (we’re talking a 2 m. by 2 m. – or 6 ft. by 6 ft – kitchen with no counter space and in the shape of a weird triangle). #studentliving
  7. My entire life has become a #nomakeupselfie. At one point in time I used to hate leaving the house without makeup. Now 9/10 times the only ‘cosmetic’ I wear is coconut oil and it feels ahmaaazing
  8. I met my Belgian boyfriend J in a kitchen in France almost 3 years ago now. We were both on exchange and he lived in the room exactly 2 floors above me. #fate 

    10 random facts
  9. I have an obsession with to-do lists. #getitdone
  10. My favorite cake will always be chocolate.
  11. I love to paint.
  12. My name is pronounced “Key-Air-Ah” not “Siara” like it’s spelt.

The Questions

1. Why did you start blogging?

I started this blog back in October 2013 as a way to document the healthy recipes I was whipping up in the kitchen in my new home in Belgium. I had just moved across the world, in with J and didn’t know a lot of people. Cooking and writing became a great outlet for me as I was settling into a new chapter of my life here. I had also just lost almost 70 pounds and come to a new-found love of vegetarianism. I wanted to share the healthy recipes I was creating with others and save them for later for myself.  I wanted to prove that it is possible to live a healthy and happy life filled with delicious eats that is free from dieting!

10 random facts

2. What blogs do you follow regularly

Honestly, soo many and the list is always growwingg! And I love them all for different reasons! I’m so happy to have met so many creative, talented and unique bloggers from around the world through my blog! 

3. What is your fave quote/saying?

“Dance like nobody’s watching,
Love like you’ve never been hurt
Sing like nobody’s listening
live like it’s heaven on earth.”

4. Do you have any pets? Is so, what kind/how many?

Not with me in Belgium (the only living thing we own is a cactus for the moment lmao).

At my mom’s place we have the most adorable and fiery red Standard Poodle ever – Bijou. She’s a rescue, super cuddly and we sometimes skype. 

10 random facts

At my dad’s we have a Cairn Terrier, Maggie, and an allergy free Russian Blue, Mavi. They are best friends and when they are not play-fighting they love to groom each other.

10 random facts

10 random facts

 5. What characteristic do you think it your best quality?


6. Who is your favorite musician/band?

The Dixie Chicks.

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

The one question every international couple gets asked all the time 😉 I would love to live on the beach in a tropical country at one point in my life just to see what it’s like to live in a place with beaches as far as the eye can see and where snow is never shoveled.

8. What is your favorite meal?

My mom’s homemade mac and cheese. I managed to make a dairy-free version of her recipe & am a little bit too excited to share it tomorrow!

10 random facts

9. If there was a movie being made about your life, which actress would portray you?

Eugene Levy. Just joking, it would probably be Anna Kendrick because #love.

10. If you could have any job, what would it be?

A travelling cooking show where I could investigate cultures through food and travel – can you tell I study anthropology? 😉

11. What is your fave season?

Fall. It is hands down the coziest and prettiest month ever. The leaves always get me 🙂

10 random facts

I nominate a few of my blogger friends for the Liebster award to get to know each other better! Basically, you share ten random facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions and pass it on 😀

Gayle from Pumpkin & Spice – her warmheartedness shine through in everything she writes! I look forward to her mouthwatering posts and delicious new recipes every week – these peanut butter – pumpkin bites are to die for!

Katrina from Warm Vanilla Sugar – because she’s a fellow Canuck, living in Italy right now and her pie recipes are next-level good.

Cheryl from 40 aprons – her food photography is stunning, her recipes are gorgeous and I’m still dreaming of these Vegan Pumpkin Waffles.

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