How to Connect Google Analytics to WordPress – Step by Step Instructions

How to Connect Google Analytics to WordPress – Step by Step Instructions

Hi there! It’s Jereon – the numbers guy behind Ceara’s Kitchen. Below you’ll find step by step instructions on how to connect Google Analytics to WordPress so you can see who’s visiting your site! This way you can monitor your website’s traffic. Creating content is one thing, but you also want to know how many people are visiting your blog, how you are drawing people to your site and which articles you post are the most popular.

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Let’s get started!

Go to the Google Analytics log in page 

The first step is to make a Google Analytics account. Click here to go to the website. 

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Sign in or sign up 

Sign in if you already have a G-mail account or sign up to make an account. It is necessary to have a G-mail account if you want to use Google Analytics.  

how to connect google analytics to wordpressSign-up for Google Analytics

Click on the “Sign up” button. You can also see the different steps on how to use Google Analytics. Those will be further explained in May’s upcoming Google Analytics manual. 

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Add your website to Google Analytics

Fill in your website details (Website name, Website URL, Industry Category, Time Zone) for your Google Analytics profile. Your blog’s traffic data will be transferred to the Google Analytics site this way.  

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Scroll down, check the 4 boxes and click “get tracking ID“.

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Accept the conditions 

Read over the Terms of Service and click “I Accept“. Next, you will get your tracking ID. This ID will be important to connect Google Analytics to your WordPress account. 

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Now you’ll see the tracking ID

This code is important for when you will install Google Analytics on your site. Write down this tracking code and keep the browser with your tracking ID open for later. You will need it to configure your site.

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Log in into Your WordPress Account

Log in into WordPress to continue onto the next step. Now, you’ll connect and configure Google Analytics to your WordPress Account. Keep the browser with your tracking ID open for later. (Skip this step if you are already logged in to your WordPress account).

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Go to your page and go to plug-ins. 

Go to your webpage in your browser and click on the WordPress icon. 

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Add new plugin 

Go to the Plugins tab on the left. Click “Add New” to add the Google Analytics plugin. 

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Search for Google Analytics and download it 

In the top right search box, enter in “Google Analytics” and hit enter. Select the “NK Google Analytics” plugin to install onto your site. Download the plugin and activate it. Give the tracking code when asked to activate the plugin. Everything is set-up after completing this step.

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Some patience! 

It can take a few hours before the account is fully active. Go take a look from time to time at and sign-in with your Gmail-account. This is the best way to check if your Google Analytics is working and if you have had a visitor!

how to connect google analytics to wordpress

Congrats! Once your account is live, you can see people visiting your site. If you need any help setting up your Google Analytics account feel free to leave a comment below and I will try my best to help you out!



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