New look!

New look!

Hi guys!

It’s Jeroen (or “J”)  here to say a quick hello and introduce the brand NEW look here at Ceara’s Kitchen. Do you like it?! 

If you haven’t “met’ me before, I’m Ceara’s partner and pop in every once in a while with some blogging tips ‘n tricks and to share some of our blogging “numbers”. 

There are big changes happening around here lately. I am very happy to write a new post because I am really excited to tell you more about what is happening lately with the blog and what we’ve been up to. We’ve been working on a blog redesign for a while and after working out ALL the tweaks over the summer. We are so excited to launch our new look that represents more of what we stand for over here at Ceara’s Kitchen.

From this…Old-1

To this!


We’ve been photographing recipes all Summer and are happy to see the blog growing and hearing from more of you! We’ve grown a lot during the last month compared to the month prior. We reached a new milestone and passed the bar of 85K monthly visitors which is a growth of about 15%. We also saw that you guys are staying longer and visiting more pages. It is exciting to know you are enjoying Ceara’s recipe and the blog! This is so rewarding and fulfilling for us.

What is the reason behind the growth? It can be explained by one of the most basic marketing rules: the visitor is key. Do you remember the branding article? I explained how to create your niche based on your own philosophy and how to position yourself based on this. We continued following this philosophy and are creating recipes with you in mind,  thinking about what you guys want to see or better said – what you guys want to eat. 🙂 Redesigning our blog and creating a new interface was the next big step to make it even more pleasant to read Ceara’s latest posts.

See below the old interface. We liked it in general but were not totally happy with it. The blog needed to become more user friendly, easier to navigate and to be honest more fun!


Our with the old, in with the new!


The new design and logo are made based on what the blog and Ceara herself represent – offering fun, healthy, vegan comfort food for everybody who wants to eat a bit healthier or incorporate more delicious plant-based meals into their diet. But the blog is more than just offering recipes, Ceara loves to share what she is up to in general in her posts and share how easy it can be to eat healthier and become more active. This blog is not about dieting but about creating a healthy, happy and balanced lifestyle. #EatHappyLiveHappy

What do you think of our new look?!  Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think! Stay tuned for a new recipe tomorrow 🙂




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